プリペアドピアノのための新作<織られた都市>“The City That Silk Built” がオルレアン国際ピアノコンクール2024にて尾崎未空さんのプログラムの中で初演されました。尾崎さんは、André Chevillion - Yvonne Bonnaud 3rd Prizeを受賞。素晴らしい演奏家に出会えたこと、驚きや発見に満ちた協働が出来たことをを嬉しく思います。



“The City That Silk Built” - for Piano Strings -
// Creating a Koto Within a Piano //
The aim of this piece was to create an imaginary koto inside a piano. The piano’s strings are divided into four tonal regions, each designed to replicate the essence of the koto. The preparation, which mimics the koto’s timbre and tuning, extends beyond the traditional 13-string range while emphasizing the koto’s unique character. Additionally, with the internal playing technique that involves directly touching the strings, listeners can hear the process of the strings’ timbre changing. This results in captivating material rich with challenging-to-control nonmusical sounds (noise). I am interested in treating these sounds as equal in value to musical tones, creating a situation where music naturally flows between the two. The silk strings used on a traditional koto, despite their natural origin, are very strong, supple, and beautiful. Long ago, they connected the East and West. Now, reborn within the technology of the piano, could they serve as invisible threads that connect us in the modern world? Both instruments have lost a certain “something” over time. Contemplating this, I envisioned weaving a phantom city that stretches across space.